Please contact us through the email: divinitysreachauthors@gmail.com.
Let us know how we are doing, what content you would like to see covered, and any questions you may have. We would love to hear from you!
If you have ever wanted to make your voice heard or desired to create change within the community, you have a chance to start here at Divinity's Reach!
Whether you are looking to apply as a full time author, a columnist, or even just want to be guest featured, we would love to hear from you. To apply, simply send an email to divinitysreachauthors@gmail.com with the position requested and one example of your writing. We are looking for enthusiastic, knowledgeable author's who love the game and want to add their voice to the community.
Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon,
ReplyDeleteThis is in response to an article you wrote that talked about the Hylek and Heket, where you stated the Hylek were new and possibly the replacement of the Heket. The Hylek were in fact in Guild Wars 1, they were located on the Tarnished Coast in Magus Stones, and in high numbers at that.
Hi, Kyrian. Thanks for the commment but I think you may be confusing me with someone else. I have never made an article about the Hylek or Heket, I have only briefly mentioned the Hylek once, and that was during the first beta event when I was exploring Divinity's Reach. I normally avoid talking about the non-playable races, unless they are specifically interesting in a plot or event development. Could you link the article you found? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm the owner of GW2Versus.com, a new GW2 forum dedicated to World vs World and with individual server forums. We just launched recently and are looking for more exposure, so I wanted to ask you if you would be willing to write a post advertisement for us. Of course I would be willing to pay you for that. Just let me know what you charge, but about $10 was what I was thinking.
ReplyDeleteIf you're interested, please let me know.
Aly was unable to keep up with both her blog, life, and gaming and decided to drop her blog for now. She wrote about it in her last article on her blog. I'm very sorry to see her go, and she will definitely be missed.